The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the legal body in the local Anglican Parish Church responsible, under God and in co-operation with the Vicar, for some of the spiritual, missionary, legal and financial functions of the church. The Vicar works in consultation with the PCC who have a duty to support him and others involved in positions of ministerial leadership in prayer, by encouragement and in practical service. We aim for the PCC to broadly reflect the demographics and views of a wide cross-section of our congregation so as to adequately represent the views of the laity (non-clergy). Holy Trinity Church Huddersfield is also a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. Therefore PCC members, elected to serve by those on the Parish Electoral Roll, are also Charity Trustees and have a responsibility to ensure that we operate in a proper way in accordance with our objectives and Charity Commission guidance. Good governance is vital for the integrity of the church. PCC members are expected to be fully involved in the life of Holy Trinity. This includes:

  • a commitment to serve and pray for the church;
  • attending PCC meetings approximately six times per year, plus an away-day;
  • being open to serve on a Ministry Team if needed.

Each year following our Annual Church Meeting (normally in April/May) we submit to the Charity Commission a Trustee Annual Report (TAR) including a set of Independently Examined Accounts. This report provides information on the activities of the church as a charity over the previous year and also details sources of income and how the income has been spent. These Annual Reports and accounts can be viewed on the Charity Commission Website but are also available below:

Current Holy Trinity Huddersfield PCC members:

PCC Members

If you wish to contact any of the PCC members or have any questions about PCC please email: