Our Vision
To be rooted in Jesus, a devoted family, sent in love and power – all for Jesus.
Read our full vision statement.
Our Values
Encounter – passionate for the presence of God, we prioritise gathering to meet with him in worship, word and sacrament, and to continually abide in him in our day-to-day lives of discipleship.
Word – shaped and directed by the Bible as God’s authoritative word, we prioritise reading it, meditating on it, and teaching it, because we believe that it is God’s unique and inspired source of wisdom and truth for our life together.
Formation – as a community of disciples who surrender our lives to Jesus, we seek to be more like him, to live lives of holiness, ready to follow Christ on our frontline. We expect God to grow us – in depth of spiritual formation and Christian maturity, and in number as others discover fullness of life in God.
Generosity – reflecting the lavish grace of the Father, we seek to be radically openhanded and openhearted for the sake of others and for God’s kingdom, especially through gracious welcome, generous hospitality, and sacrificial giving of our gifts, time and money.
Service – overflowing with compassion, we offer ourselves in service to the church and the world. We recognise our diverse gifts, and seek to follow the Bible’s call to declare and share the good news of Jesus: through personal and corporate evangelism, in serving the poor, pursuing justice, and caring for creation.
In all of our activities we are committed to effective safeguarding of Children, Young People and Adults.