At Holy Trinity we believe that the message of Jesus is good news for everyone and we are excited to bless and invite others to get to know him. We regularly run Alpha courses at our church where people can get together, share a meal and explore who Jesus is and what difference he makes in our lives. You can find out more about Alpha in this short video below. If you are interested in Alpha please contact us at
We also host lots of exciting events where you can come and join in and get a taste of Holy Trinity. Perhaps you’re hoping to invite a friend, colleague or family member to church? As well as our Sunday services, why not come and bring them with you to a Men’s breakfast, Women’s event, Children’s activities or one of our termly whole church socials.
Serving our local community
We are committed to blessing our local community. In 2018 we undertook an in-depth Community Audit with the help of Futurekraft to find out in more detail what the needs of our parish are and how we might contribute to meeting those needs at the same time as sharing the love of Jesus. A summary of the audit and some areas for development is available to view or download. The video outlines what we did and some of what we found.
You can find out about some of the ways we are reaching out to our local community in our newsletters (available below). If you have any other ideas about how we can better connect and serve our local community please email or phone the office – 01484 513213.
- Community Outreach Newsletter (March 2022)
- Community Outreach Newsletter (May 2021)
- Community Outreach Newsletter (Sept 2019)
Supporting and working with other organisations
We support The Welcome Centre’s Food Bank by regularly giving financial donations from church funds and encouraging people to donate food and serving as volunteers.
We actively support The Huddersfield Street Kitchen feeding the homeless and marginalised with donations of ready to serve pre-packed meals or individually wrapped goods such crisps, soft drinks, baked goods or biscuits. Check them out on Facebook!!
We part of Hope Huddersfield, partnering with other churches in our town to offer the hope of Christ in word and action.
In all of our activities we are committed to effective safeguarding of Children, Young People and Adults. Read more about Safeguarding at Holy Trinity.