Above and Beyond

For two centuries, Holy Trinity Church has been a prominent feature on the Huddersfield skyline.

  • A place of worship
  • A place of welcome and community
  • A place of service to our community and the world

As we move into our third century as a Christian community we recognise that it is our turn to invest in the future of Holy Trinity Church and to seek the growth of God’s Kingdom here in Huddersfield.

In 2017 we launched our ‘Above and Beyond’ initiative which originally aimed to raise more than £250,000 by 2021 to establish a stable and secure foundation for our ongoing ministry and witness. In March 2021 our PCC recommended that this fund extends beyond 2021 to become an ongoing fund to continue to support our overall mission as a church.

Investing in our mission, ministry and building as we seek to make committed followers of Jesus and share His transforming love

Key Priorities

Mission and Ministry

Ministry image

Supporting ministry and evangelism including children and families ministry, youth and students, and musical worship.


Image of Earth in a pair of hands

Resourcing the body of Christ locally and overseas

Our Building

Image of of Holy Trinity Church Huddersfield building

Seeking to make our church building watertight, warm and welcoming to our parish and town.

So where are we now?

By the end of 2021 we had raised around £237,000 towards our original £250,000 target, with further  ongoing donations pledged.  This has mainly been through the generosity of the congregation along with a number of small grants and legacies and Gift Aid.  A substantial amount of the money raised is being used to help fund the ongoing salaries of our Musical Worship Minister, Youth Minister  & Children and Families Minister.  Other things that have or will be funded are:

  • A contribution to the costs of renewing the south side roof  in 2018 (mainly funded by a separate large Heritage Lottery grant)
  • New Lighting in the main worship area (2018)
  • Installation of an intruder alarm and CCTV (2019)
  • A new pump for the heating boiler (2019)
  • A new Keyboard for the Worship band (2018)
  • Undertaking an audit of our local community to identify needs and how we might contribute to meeting these needs (2018)
  • Redecoration of our worship areas (2020-21)
  • Works to repair our tower clock (2021)
  • A contribution to the costs of renewing the south side roof  in 2018 (mainly funded by a separate large Heritage Lottery grant)
  • New Lighting in the main worship area (2018)
  • Installation of an intruder alarm and CCTV (2019)
  • A new pump for the heating boiler (2019)
  • A new Keyboard for the Worship band (2018)
  • Undertaking an audit of our local community to identify needs and how we might contribute to meeting these needs (2018)
  • Redecoration of our worship areas (2020-21)
  • Works to repair our tower clock (2021)
  • Purchase and installation of Livestreaming equipment (2022)
  • Repair and renewal of our heating system (planned for 2022)

In terms of supporting local and overseas mission, donations to Above & Beyond have enabled us to give almost £20,000 to our mission partners up to end of 2021.  This is in addition to our regular giving to our mission partners (10% of our unrestricted regular giving).

We are grateful to God and all those donating so far approximately 95% of our original planned total has been raised.  But there is still more to do!  See below for how you can get involved or speak to one of the Church Wardens or Clergy.

How can I get involved?

See our Giving page to see how you can give financially

Video presentations

Phase 1 of the conservation work, restoring the south roof, was completed in October 2017. Watch this amazing video time-lapse film of the  works, made for us by Anthony Elliott of Construct Films.